Databases, Migrations and SQL, OH My! Intro to WordPress Database and Migrations
Meetup: Tampa Bay (formerly St. Petersburg)
Featured Speaker: Jim True
You’ve created your new website design on your own host or on your local laptop and now you’re ready to launch for the client. Do you suddenly cringe at the concept of having to migrate the site? Have you done it before and it’s always a mess and a headache and you wish you had a method that always worked? This meetup might be for you!
We’ll be talking about most things database, but will cover some of the basics of site migration:
- Tour of the WordPress Database
- What those tables mean and what they control
- Where the files are stored that are specific to your WordPress configuration
- What things specifically have to change when you migrate
- Some easy plugins for painless migrations
If you have a special plugin that you love and you want to sing its praises, let me know ahead of time and we’ll include it in the talk. Be prepared to come with your questions!
Important to Know
Our St. Petersburg WordPress meetups tend to be geared more ‘technical’ and agency/entrepeneur/freelance-oriented but we welcome beginners and clients who have WordPress websites, too. Everyone’s an expert at something just be prepared to learn and engage.