Getting from Here to There: A Working WordPress Workshop for 2017
Meetup: Tampa Bay (formerly St. Petersburg)
Featured Speaker: Jim True
You’ve made your personal 2017 resolutions, but have you thought about doing the same for your work, your business or your career path? Our February Meetup is designed to get an idea of what you, our St Pete Developer/Freelance/Agency WordPress users, would like to learn this year and what kind of sessions and workshops would be of most benefit to you. We’re also going to put more of a personal spin on it, by asking each one of you to commit to a goal of learning or discovering something new for yourself this year and plot your path to that goal.
They say that the best way to commit to a resolution is to share it with others so that you can keep each other motivated, so we’ll be doing that as well. Knowing what you are trying to accomplish, we can also try to get speakers in and tailor meetups to help you accomplish that goal.
This will be a roundtable working meetup, so come prepared to work and have open discussion amongst everyone who attends. Think of the things you want to accomplish in your career, or with your business, or with the work you do. That can be something to enhance your skills, it can be something to enhance your business life (like a better contract or better project management/task management skills). The end-goal is to make this year of meetups personally valuable to you and help you grow in your career path.
We’ll be meeting at the IronYard in Downtown St Pete; parking is free on the street after 6PM. Take the Brass Plated Elevator facing 1st Avenue S and Iron Yard is on the 3rd Floor.