Grow Beyond Posts & Pages: Intro to the Pods Framework
Meetup: Tampa Bay (formerly St. Petersburg)
Featured Speaker: Jim True
If you’ve been building WordPress websites for clients for any period of time, you’ll have stumbled across the need to create Event Management, Staff Directories, Franchise Location listings, Services Listing or a Gallery Portfolio for those clients. Your first impulse might be to go find a plugin for that, but what if you could use ONE plugin in all those situations and be able to control the display of your content so it works with your theme? The Pods Framework is your solution! We will be showing how to Plan out your Data structures (content modeling), Build those structures in Pods, Populate them and Prototype the display of your data using Pods Templates in any theme. You will learn about:
• Custom Post Types & Taxonomies in WordPress
• Content Modeling and how it relates to your Content Strategy
• Display Custom Data in your Theme without Coding Skill
Level: Intermediate/Advanced/Developer
This talk will be “Intermediate to Advanced”. This talk is discussing taking WordPress beyond the normal everyday post & page management so if you’re not very comfortable working with WordPress, plugin management and theme development, the talk may be over your head.
Speaker: Jim True is the Support & Community Manager for the Pods Framework and has worked with WordPress since 2010. Jim also provides project management and business solutions support for freelance clients and acts as a coach for new freelancers. Jim is also the Organizer of the WordPress St Petersburg Meetups
Meetup Location: Iron Yard St. Pete is in the Station House, a 4 story building at 260 1st Avenue S. You get to the Iron Yard by taking the gold/brass elevator facing 1st Avenue up to the 3rd Floor. The 2nd Floor also houses Station House’s CoWorking Space. Parking in St Pete is free after 6PM on the street in most areas; if you’re parking in a garage, use Muvico/Sundial parking as it’s cheaper.
Format: Our Meetups in St Pete start at 6:00pm, the first 15-30 minutes are to give folks time to make it downtown, park, get through traffic, so they’ll be primarily for networking and free discussion. If we have a scheduled talk, we’ll always start right at 6:30pm and continue to 7:30pm or a bit beyond.