Securing your WordPress website
July 7, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Meetup: New Port Richey & Trinity
Featured Speaker: Thomas Townsend
Cyber security has and continues to be a Hot Topic in 2017. Where does your website fit into the picture? We will kick of this inaugural NPR Meetup and talk about what to watch out for and how you can ensure your site is secure. From Hosting to WordPress Core, Plugins and Themes.
Please be sure to RSVP as we only have 10 SPOTs available.
If you can’t make it kindly cancel your RSVP so others can attend. We will now have Monthly WordPress meetups back in NPR. This first meeting I will also be looking for other Co-Organizers and anyone that has a topic they want to talk about for future WordPress meetups.